- sell 20 things, bringing my total to 126
- make it to 450 hearts
- finish preparing inventory for christmas
- a whole bunch of wedding planning
- get serious about college
- list at least one new thing in my shop each week
- clear out the clearance section of my shop
well... i sold 15 things. that's not so bad, but i definately need to start selling more if i'm going to be able to continue to, you know, eat :p. i surpassed my heart goals by reaching 480, though! i did prepare more for the holiday season, but not as much as i would have liked to. i think i have all the supplies i will need for a long time, so that's a relief. i accomplished a lot of my wedding-planning goals last month, as well, and planned out a wedding-preparation schedule that runs from now until the big day! also, i finally got serious about the college stuff i was putting off. i might have waited too long on the biology class, because now i'm in the middle of a nervous breakdown about that, but i did start it finally. new items showed up in my shop nearly every day, so i met that goal, and while i didn't clear out my clearance section, i sold a few things from it and added some new great deals!
so, my goals for september are:
- sell 25 things in my shop and fulfill at least one wholesale reorder
- reach 560 hearts
- finish all the wedding planning
- finish most of my biology class, and be prepared to test out of all my french requirements for college
- redo all the primary photos in my shop. i have an idea planned :).
happy september, the internet!
Happy September to you too!
I'm ba-ack! ;) Great goals, Melissa!
thanks, guys! ♥
I love reading your goals and accomplishments. Makes me want to formalize my goal setting a little more. Here's to a successful September!
here-here, cindy! i'm glad you enjoy my little blog :D
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