Monday, July 6, 2009

my first craft fair

july 4th (independence day here in the states) was my first ever art/craft fair, and especially considering only about 50 people showed up, i did very well!

i made my first sale before i was even completely set up (a bobby pin set), and the day progressed from there. the day started off super hot, though, as it is texas in july :p, so my one complaint would be that i was dying from the heat! i think it kept more people from showing up, too.

another fair is supposed to be happening at the same location in early september, so i'll definately be participating in that, as well! i had a lot of fun at this one - met some new people, made some money, and got to hang out and listen to music with my husband :).

some pictures for you:

my banner, made by a very nice etsian. love it!
and some different shots of my booth set-up:

believe me, people came in for the cold water! we had a big cooler with loads of ice :).

brandon looks exhausted because we had just finished setting everything up :p. i'm so glad he helped me out!


in other news, i am busting my butt the next 2 weeks to prepare for my epic french exam and complete the two classes i'm currently enrolled in, so you probably won't see much of me here on the blog. once all the craziness with school is done, though, i have lots of new things to take pictures of and list, so do keep checking back!

stay cool, y'all! ;)


1 comment:

LeaKarts said...

Your booth looks so cute! I'm glad it went well, considering the low attendance. Thanks for sharing all of the pictures!